

Tom Johnson

The spirit of the Mckayla Wilkes 2024 campaign is embodied in the memory of Tom Johnson. In the words of his brother Ben, Tom “was an abundance. He cared for and about everything – and every one. He bent the laws of time and space and logic to his will to wring the most out of every day. He laughed quick and deep.

Tom was the Field Director on Mckayla Wilkes’ first congressional campaign. He joined the campaign because he cared deeply about those facing injustice and he believed that a kinder, better world was possible. We lost Tom on July 15th, 2020, but his memory lives on. 

Our campaign, our team, and our community are guided by the principles that live on in Tom’s memory.

We will run a campaign that is authentic.
We will run a campaign that is compassionate.
We will run a campaign that is centered on justice