Medicare for All

The Covid-19 pandemic has made clear what millions of Americans already knew: health care is unaffordable and inaccessible. While the Affordable Care Act made valuable strides in expanding health insurance to millions of people through Medicaid expansions and ACA marketplaces, nearly 30 million Americans were still left without coverage even before the pandemic. With rising unemployment due to Covid-19, millions more are losing their income and their insurance coverage at the same time. Even those fortunate enough to keep their coverage have to deal with the financial barriers of premiums, deductibles, and copays, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars annually. 

A better future is possible. Medicare for All would ensure that Americans can go to their doctor without worrying about high bills or red tape. It would mean that individuals, families, and even the state and federal governments would save millions of dollars on health care by reducing administrative waste, investing in prevention and early medical intervention, and bringing stability to the health service industry.


Mckayla supports:

  • Transitioning every American uncovered by the Veterans Health Administration or Indian Health Service onto one Medicare insurance plan over the course of two years. 

  • Mandating that Medicare cover prescription drugs, primary care, maternity care, vision and dental care, reproductive healthcare (including abortion), doctors' visits, and lab services. 

  • Eliminating premiums, deductibles, and copays. 

  • Ending the practice of pre-authorizations and step therapies, which waste patients' time, money, and health status through unnecessary delays.

  • Capping the amount an individual could pay for prescription drugs at $200 annually. 

  • Authorizing the federal government to negotiate prescription drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies.

  • Ensuring that incarcerated people have full access to comprehensive health care.