Expand the Child Tax Credit

For one year, the expanded Child Tax Credit cut child poverty in half. Then it ended – and half of the families that previously received it now are unable to pay for food. Child poverty is a simply unacceptable policy choice. No one should go hungry.

The expanded Child Tax Credit ensures that families are able to afford the basic necessities for this children. With increasing cost of food, housing, and gas, this is especially important now. We should reinstate the expanded Child Tax Credit and make it permanent, so that we don’t have families slipping back into poverty.

$2000 checks

Mckayla supports:

  • Increasing the Child Tax Credit back up to its previous rate of up to $3,600 per child under age 6 and $3,000 per child ages 6 through 17.

  • Making the increase permanent, instead of lasting only a single year.

  • Indexing the rate of the CTC to inflation.

  • Ensuring the CTC is fully refundable for families making little to no income.